Tuesday 30 July 2013

Why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye?

Hey guys! It's Julie again. Unfortunatly, this will be my last keener blog of the year. Recently, we've been getting in plenty of swiftwater rescue training. Even if I don't feel like I can get to safety on my own, I have loads of faith in the other keeners that they will assist. I'm really excited for tomorrow because we have a day trip to go paddling at the Gatineau river. Also, there will be poutine, which is awesome! However, something I'm not looking forward to is saying goodbye to all of the great friends I've made during my time here. We only have a few days left, which is crazy because the past week and a half just flew by. It almost feels unreal that after getting into the routine of paddling everyday and having such strong relationships with other people, that I will have to go back to my normal life. I have such an amazing experience that reality hasn't kicked in yet that my time here won't last forever, and I'm dreading the time where I'll have to pack up my things and say farewell to everyone and everything I've experienced until next year when I return. On a positive note, I'll keep striving to get the most out of my time here in these last few precious days. I've had an awesome time telling you guys about my life at Keeners. For now, it's all said and done, it's been real, and it's been fun!


1 comment:

  1. This is a really great post, Julia! It said it all.
