Saturday 6 July 2013

Andrew's Second Blog!

Hey everybody it is Andrew! I am reporting from the beautiful Ottawa river valley in the eastern edge of Ontario. The past few days have been all over 28C which makes for supreme kayaking conditions. We have seen the water levels fluctuate drastically in the past two weeks which has lead to almost a different river everyday! We have surfed features from the high-water Buseater all the way to low-water Corner Wave, this gives us a chance to experience all shapes and sizes of waves and holes. This past big-water-beatdown-Thursday we had the opportunity to swim the notorious high-water coliseum rapid, the biggest rapid on the Ottawa! The optimum line was to swim down the large tongue through a wave called Big Kahuna, the problem was that the current pushed right towards a feature called white-faced monster. This feature is a shallow pour over with a large seam. Ben White and I were the unfortunate ones and ended up a little bumped and bruised!
Ben White in the white helmet, Andrew McLeod front-flipping into the seam

This week our traditional competition Friday was split into two groups, the A class and B class. I was selected to be in the A class which was designated to be on the main channel on a feature called Chopping Block. I had a great day of competition except for the fact that the feature had very poor eddy access which meant we had to walk up every time, but the quality of the wave made up for this.

This week I successfully completed my goal of landing a blunt. A blunt is a 180 degree rotation on x-axis with an over 45 degree angle on the y-axis. I had been struggling with 45 degree angle as it requires quite a bit of trial and error, my adversity paid off in the result of a blunt on a bouncy wave called Fluffy Bunny.

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