Friday 12 July 2013

Andrew's Final Blog

My name is Andrew McLeod and this will be my final keener blog this year. I have had such an incredible experience; from the whitewater to the friends I have learned so much in such little time. The underlying reason for this is the quality of the instruction we receive, it is what really makes this program so special. One of our instructors that I have really come to benefit from is Tyler Curtis. Tyler is a professional kayaker who has won multiple freestyle events including the Canadian championships five times! This gives him the experience that is a necessity in any instructor. He taught me many things from bigger loops to getting more air in my blunts. We also share Alberta as a common kayaking destination, with this he could give me insights on some the waves I had been struggling with in my own backyard, just through lecture!

This past week was awesome with lots of fun, low water play such as corner wave or baby face. These waves are located about a two minute paddle from my room! This offers a prime place to visit after dinner for an hour or two. It is going to be so sad to leave this incredible group of friends I have made over the past three weeks, they will truly be my friends forever.

I would like to thank my parents for this incredible opportunity, I have improved exponentially as both a boater and a person.

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