Tuesday 30 July 2013

Sarah Week 3

Hey guys its sarah here for my last blog post of session 2! Im really sad that this session is almost over but so much has been happening that i keep forgetting its almost over. Last thursday it was big water beat down thursday and i got beatdown of the week! I got beatdown twice in right side phils. Once was by accident because i was trying to hit the tongue and the second was on purpose. The first one was quite short but i got thrown around alot and then flushed out. the second one was really long and felt like i was in a washing machine. On friday during the competition i got some spins on push button and started to learn how to roundhouse. Im also working on my double pump to get into a bow stall. Unfortunately ravenclaw came last in harry potter week but it was still really fun! Friday night we went to the fair which was awesome and we got to go on a bunch of rides. Ive now started my SRT and its actually kinda fun (surprisingly). Yesterday we did throwbagging and wading and i learnt alot! Im excited to go to the gatineau tomorrow because i like running new rivers. bye for now!

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