Tuesday 16 July 2013

Until Next Time by Jarand

Hi guys!

Showing off my sunburn.. One thing I won't
miss about the Ottawa! 
This is my last blog-post this session, and sadly this is the only keener-session i am going to this year.
It has been 3 amazing weeks, many kayak hours, good food, sleep, and the best people to hang around, and kayak with. It is just two days left of keeners, and it is not hard to tell that we all have mixed feelings about that. We have become a big family, on three weeks, which is pretty amazing.

It was raceday Wednesday today. We competed individual at Mc. Coys, and house-teams at the Laurn. Raceday helps us
to keep the concentration while being exhausted, which can be hard. It also "forces" us to look at the river on a
different way, and look of the fastest lines, instead of the most fun and safety lines. I've learned today that
a good line-choice is well as important, if not more important than fast paddling and good powerful strokes.

I really want to thank  my family back in Norway for the financing. I also want to thank Anne Mette and her family in Toronto, for having me and Fredrik in their apartment one night, we had a great time!
And at last I want to thank Wildernesstours, Ottawa Kayak School for making this amazing program, and gave me the opportunity to be at this fantastic place, with these amazing coaches and these fantastic people!

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