Monday 1 July 2013

Ashley's Blog Post

Portaging my boat to scout Little Trickle
Hi everyone! My name is Ashley Boyd and this is my first session at Keeners. I’m 15 years old and I’m from Ottawa. Luckily for me, that’s only about an hour away from the river. So far the Keener program has been really great and much better than I ever could’ve thought. I heard about this program through my family, since they live in the Valley and used to work at WT for many years. I’m so thankful to my parents for letting me come here!

          Today was Competition Friday. The goal is to improve our freestyle boating and to get a feel for what a competition would be like. We went over a review sheet of a bunch of tricks and how many points they’d be worth. We spent the morning at a hole called Warm Apple Pie practicing getting in some surfs. We came back in the afternoon for the actual competition. The weather today wasn’t that great and it was raining as well. That made it pretty hard to stay warm and to want to get wet in the rapid. I was spending a lot of time improving my ability to enter and exit the current, which thankfully kept me moving and dry. In just the afternoon I felt a huge difference and I feel much more confident now. I’m really happy with all that’s happened this first week and I’m really looking forward to the next two here with the Keeners program.

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