Wednesday 24 July 2013

Hi, Julie here again! It is week 2 at keeners and I have honestly learned so much already. My accomplishments of the week were not only doing a spin on a wave, but more importantly, I started learning how to swim! The other keeners have been extremely supportive in teaching me to swim, which feels really awesome. The good news is that I'm beginning to feel a lot more comfortable on the water, and I've started feeling more at home around my peers. One of my favourite experiences so far was going to the mall, where all of us went to see a movie and get some shopping done. Also, I'm super excited that the theme for this week is Harry Potter, since I'm a huge fan of the books and movies. To sum it up, I've been having an awesome experience and I'm really happy to be here. I'll keep trying to push myself to perform at my best on the river, as well as open myself up more to the other keeners.


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