Sunday 28 July 2013

Charlie Dupuis' Week 2 Summary

So a lot has improved since the first week in general,

I managed to nail my white water roll a lot, practiced on using patience when flipped over to roll and overall gained more confidence on the Ottawa. I even got to go down the main channel, which now is more of a fun thing to go down rather than a scary thing to be afraid of. I also didn't flip on Big water beat-down Thursdays! Despite the fact it would have gained a lot of points for the Harry Potter week theme if I did get beat down, me and Isaiah did some scouting and managed to find the best lines down upper McCoy's, which turned out to be a blast. Pretty much, thanks to practicing and listening to the instructors, I managed to gain more confidence on the river, with surfing and rolling.
Running the Phils Touge on Thursday. 

Meanwhile, during the week, we did loads of other fun activities, including the Harry Potter week. We split into different houses/groups for the week and gained points from challenges and competitions which leads to one house winning a prize. I was part of Slytherin, which won the prize this week. We also did a few field trips from the 2nd week, we went to the Pembrooke mall to go see Despicable Me 2 and shopped at
Walmart. On Friday, we went to the Beachburg Fair after kayaking, I went on a couple of rides and watched a bit of the demolition derby event happening. Overall, it was a really fun week, I improved on the water and I had fun going on the trips.

Now that there is only one more week, this is probably my last blog post. I had a great time with the kayaking, and I really enjoyed talking with a lot of the instructors and other campers. It was interesting going through this experience that I probably wouldn't have the chance to do elsewhere. Thanks to everyone who made this unforgettable.

2/3 done.

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