Saturday 27 July 2013

swissies (toms) blog week 2

Whats up kayakers and non kayakers of the world, this is my second blog of my first ever session of keeners. My second week of being a keener was super awesome. Its still hard for me to understand some of the English but i'm definitely noticing it getting easy for me everyday.
Practicing how to rescue a swimmer. 

In this past week we have done so many different things testing so many different skills, such as going over or under a log jam, to purposely getting beat down in one of the biggest holes on the river, but overall my favorite on water activity was competition Friday were we go to a certain wave or hole in the morning and have time to get a routine planed out. Then in the afternoon, we all get a certain amount of time to do every trick we can to get as many points as we can. This helps us to get practice under pressure and helps us to train because some of us may move on to other competitions so it is good to have some practice with that.

Something new and interesting the coaches have came up with for this week was a Harry Potter theme week. They divided us into  4 team from Harry Potter:  hufflepuff, ravenclaw, slitheren and my team the best of them all, gryffindor.

The way it works is there are challenges everyday that allow everyone to gain big points for their team. As of yesterday Gryffindor was in the lead, but things can change very fast points wise because teams may also loose points if they misbehave.

 Overall, i'm having a great week! There have been lots of new things to do and I cant wait to see what will happen tomorrow and the days to come.  There is only one bad part so far which is that my  schlampe (friend) is leaving tomorrow. I'm kind of disappointed about it,  but i will meet new friends and still have a good time :) thanks everyone how your having as much fun as me.

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