Tuesday 16 July 2013

Ashley's Last Blog

            Hey it's Ashley again for the last time this session. I'm really sad to have to go but I'm looking forward to coming back again! Today was the third competition Friday. We split into two groups competing at three different waves. The group I was in stayed at McCoy's all day on either Baby Face or Corner Wave. I surfed at Baby Face which is such a great wave but really hard to catch. The other group was at the Lorne competing on Push Button. We practiced all morning and I got two spins. Unfortunately I didn't try any spins in the competition because I missed the wave twice and the third time I didn't really know what was happening, which was very obvious in the video.

            This week was definitely my favourite week because so many great and fun things happened. We ran the main all week, which I preferred over the middle. My favourite day this week was Big Water Beatdown Thursday by far. I had never intentionally gone until Phil's so I was really nervous to get beatdown in it. But I wasn't afraid once I rolled back up after being surfed for a little bit and couldn't wait to do it again! That's what Thursday is all about and I am glad to be more confident in bigger water. Every day this week I was living up every minute because I knew the end was soon to come. Now it actually has and while it's really sad it's also really awesome to look back on. I'd like to thank the instructors so much for being so fun and helpful and I hope to come back soon!
Going to miss these ladies.. can't wait to paddle with them again! 

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