Wednesday 31 July 2013

Last post for MAX!

So the session is ending off and this will be my last blog. Today we went to the gatineau river as the river trip. The whitewater there was a lot more shallow and the waves where significantly harder to catch. I managed to pull of a lopsided loop and several pirouettes. The rest of week before today was a bit more boring and therefore this blog will be shorter. If your're wondering why it was boring, we simply did SRT (swiftwater rescue training) where we basically swam a lot of rapids/threw throw ropes/ walk across the river currents and get out of foot/gear entrapments. Other than this the only thing else that stood out this week was the friday competition in which I failed at because I was going for a bunch of moves (which I did in trails) but got washed out on the simpler ones. I was at garb and going for
( R-spin / L-spin / L-shuvit / R-shuvit / R-Roundhouse / L-Roundhouse / L-Blunt / R-Blunt / Airscrew ) If I reached to the airscrew during the competition I would be really happy. Luckily I managed this during the trails on my free time during weekends. Thats all. TOMORROW IS BEATDOWN!

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