Sunday 21 July 2013

Maddi's First Blog

      Hey guys, my name's Madeline, I'm from BC, and this is my first time at keeners. I started kayaking when i was nine, which was also the first time i came to the Ottawa. Since then I've been kayaking on different rivers at home, and coming back to the Ottawa with WT almost every year. So far keeners has been pretty awesome, it's nice to be back on the Ottawa, and kayaking everyday. This week i ran Phills for the first time in a while, and did a few window shades in left side, coming in second i think for beat down of the week. Kate was first, getting surfed in right side for at least 50s. That was pretty awesome. Competition Friday was super fun too, i came in second on push button, which is probably the hardest wave ever... i think. Can't wait for the next two weeks, and to learn more about kayaking, and have tons of fun.

until next week

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