Friday 12 July 2013

Robert's Final blog

Hey my name is Robert, and this willl be my last  blog as a keener. This is was my last year I could be a keener, which is sad because I wish I could come for a longer period.

  On my last week so many incredible things happend, that it is very hard to put into this blog. Some of the highlights of this week were the meltdown line, race day Wednesday, BWBBT, pretty much everything. On Monday and Tuesday we ran the main channel trying new lines as well as rescue activities. The rescue activities were awesome because they were challenging and fun. I was the only one to manage to get out of my boat, after a heavy beat down,  in a small eddy (not even Juanito could do it). The best lines from those days were definitely the meltdown line, as Stephen said "you go to China", and the kick flip of destiny in Normans, which I was super close of achieving but fell on my face several times. With the week begging so great, I could not believe that it could get any better, but I was wrong. On race day we had an incredible house race, which was close, but at the end the Istambul Straight Killers won. I almost messed up the race for my team because when I got to the sand island I did not see Devyn's boat, and I sprinted a long way and touched the wrong boat. At the end I still managed to sprint back touch the RIGHT boat and started back paddling with Fredrick a few feet away.

  When Big Water Beat Down came, I was so stoked because I had one goal, to get beat down. The only way that I was going to get beat down was to do something that I had never done, and the only thing that cam e to my mind was hand surfing Phil's. I had never done it and was scared, but after I went down I wanted to do it over and over again. The end of the week was also as great as the week had begun. Competition Friday we started with all day surfing either Corner Wave or Baby Face. I chose to do Corner Wave because I could do more clean spins both sides. Today's competition was pretty close, I finished with 36 points which got me a 4th place.

   Both years that I have come to keeners, it has taught me so much, as a paddler and as a person.  The first time I came I did not even know how roll and this last day I was able to to clean spins both sides, shiv its, roundhouses and I got one loop, which is pretty amazing. This program has also taught me to really appreciate evryhthimg on the river as well as off river.

I hope that I can come back to paddle the Ottawa river and work at WT.
Hope to be back soon, "Pura Vida".

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