Wednesday 3 July 2013

Vince's back

Hey its Vincent again. This week has been great. On bigwater beatdown bacon
Thursday I had the opportunity to run Big Trickle. It is a nice little technical creeky run. We all had great lines. Friday was comp Friday. I ended up with a 0. My loop wasn't quite straight enough and didn't get quite around for my Felix. Even so, it was great to see everyone try tricks! Saturday and Sunday was first aid certification. We were learning how to deal with scenarios that my come up in life and on the river. Next, on Monday we all had a great time on the river. On Tuesday, we had SRT. We all learned to throw ropes and be more helpful on the river. Race day Wednesday was another fantastic day we had a race on little trickle and I didn't do as well as I liked but it was pretty fun! To conclude our day we split into groups. Some people raced on Upper No Name and Lower No Name. Andrew won for the second time for race day. On the other race it was a run to the start and into our boats. Jordan and Gabriel were the winners of that.

 My blunts are getting closer and bow stalls are getting closer. By the end of keeners I am hoping to blunt consistently, airscrew, helix/Felix, flatwater loop, and any other tricks I can get. With our keener coaches Stephen, Juanita, Devin, and Tyler. So far keeners has been an experience of a lifetime and still stoked from much more!

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