Thursday 11 July 2013

Sydney's final blog

I'm sad to say that this is my last week in the keener program this summer. After this I will be traveling down to North Carolina until September. I live about 6 hours from the Ottawa River in Elora, Ontario and I spend my summers here so it's sad that I won't be here anymore until September. The last few weeks have been amazing! The first Tuesday of this session some of us including myself were surfing mini bus and running the main at 14. Yesterday, we were playing at garb and the level has been around .5 lately. We've had all different levels this session and it has been such an amazing expirence. I've never run the main above about 4 before keeners and now I've run it up to 14 and almost every level between. I got to play at different features everyday because something different was in everyday. This opportunity has been absolutely amazing. I loved last year here as well but I feel like I've gained so much more from this year. I learned how to bow stall this week, my roundhouse is consistent and I'm working on getting it to a blunt, I got some loops at blacks on Tuesday and I'm starting to get along with push button! I've met so many amazing people here and I know even more people who live around the world now that I could paddle with someday. The coaches we've had have been so helpful and our keener mom has been amazing. I don't have anything bad to say about this session and I can't wait to keep paddling for the rest of the summer and bring my new skills with me!

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