Wednesday 17 July 2013

Julie's First Blog

Hi, my name is Julie. I'm 15 years old and from Mississauga, ON. This is my first time at keeners and also my first time writing a blog. So far, the keener program has been an awesome experience. Even though I had a rough start to the session by having a nasty swim down the Lorne, everyone has been extremely supportive in helping me improve my swimming ability. However, I had a great second day. I paddled the Lorne even after I decided I was uncomfortable with the idea after the dreadful swim on the first day. Also, I got in a lot of practice surfing as well as rolling. My coaches have been very helpful in encouraging me to push myself to do a spin on a wave. It still needs work but I've made that my goal for the time I'm in the program. For now, I'll try to continue and push myself within reason, as well as hopefully learn to swim!

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