Wednesday 24 July 2013

Max's 2nd BLOG

Today was really hectic. This week is themed for harry potter and slytherin/hufflepuff where taken to the middle channel while the others did the main. Before the channels split I got a chance to surf river right side horseshoe which twisted my neck out of position the 5th time! 3 times I injured myself at horseshoe LEFT/RIGHT, once when swimming and once at Phil's right. My injuries seem to be happening more often and my hand is fully scraped of all skin. My favorite part today which probably scared my whole group was when I was running Garvins and flipped in the middle after hitting the rock on the side and being moved backwards into a whole. I managed to roll up and stay calm, avoiding the possibility of scraping or dislocating my head and shoulders on the slide down. The ride went fine. Today I was also practicing the handroll which always works in flat water but in rapids seems to fail. I can't wait for tomorrow because I will be chosen to do the beatdown competition and plan to stay underwater in horseshoe while TRYING... not to roll up. Horseshoe has become my favorite wave but always seems to be very sticky and therefore will be my choice for tomorrow. I hope all my injuries heal up before the beatdown. It will be tons of fun.

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