Tuesday 14 August 2018

The Secret To Longevity kayaking everyday at keeners  By Finnian Donovan:

Why are we at keeners?

Obviously we are at keeners, because we want to kayak and no keener wants to have to take a day off the water. This is why keeping yourself in check is important.

As there is unfriendly bacteria in the Ottawa you have to take care of open skin eg cuts, scrapes etc. Your best bet to prevent infection is to apply antiseptic(firstaid cream) to the affected areas to attack any lingering bacteria.

Ear infections. How wonderful are ear infections? They are anything but wonderful that is why I take ear mix before and after a session/ day on the water. Ear mix is a mix of hydrogin poroxide, rubbing alchohol, vingear and a tad bit of salt. This will get rid of water in your ear.YAY.
Foot rot, sounds nice doesn't it? Foot rot is caused when you have sand betwwen your toes and you don't dry your foot. My advice to combat foot rot is to wash your feet well, dry them well and anahilate them with tinactin.

Poison ivy. As a Brit I had no idea what poison ivy was before I came to keeners. Let me tell you it is in no way nice.  It makes you skin itchy and bubbly( disgusting and irritating). If you think you touched rubadubdub that area with all the sand you can get until the skin falls off.

Stay safe and healthy so YOU CAN KAYAK ANOTHER DAY.

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