Friday 3 August 2018

The Art of Chipmunk Flipping by Davis Sineath

On the Ottawa there is an excessive amount of chipmunks especially, at the Wilderness Tours lunch site. During lunch Keeners have few options when not cooking, thankfully there have been many raft guides in similar situations that pass along ideas. The best idea I have tried is Chipmunk flipping. So, here is how you flip a chipmunk. 

Step 1: Find a chipmunk, this is usually pretty easy just take a quick walk around the site. 

Step 2: Bait the chipmunk, the easiest method is with crushed chips, but you have to use only very small pieces and limit the number of pieces as to prevent from stuffing the chipmunk full. 

Step 3: Bait with your hand. At this point the chipmunk should be eating your bait off the ground, so in order to flip it you must add your hand to the equation. Do this by lowering a hand of crushed chips as close as possible to the preoccupied chipmunk. 

Step 4: Yeet the chipmunk. Once the chipmunk finishes with the bait from step 2 and moves on to the bait from step 3 it should practically be in your hand. Once it is in your hand, throw your arm up and launch it. 

*No chipmunks were hurt in the production of this blog.

**We did scare a chipmunk pretty bad though. 

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