Friday 3 August 2018

How keeners has influenced me as a person and as a kayaker by Carly Koppe 

Keeners has not influenced me just as a kayaker but also as a person. First off, I have gained many kayaking skills thanks to our awesome coaches. The coaches at Keeners care about every person here and they are willing to spend time with everyone. They make sure that you understand and learn the skills you want to know. Before Keeners I hadn’t really run anything big or very technical. But thanks to the skills I learned at Keeners I feel confident and feel prepared to run more stout rivers back home. Another reason how Keeners has influenced me is my confidence. Before Keeners I had very little confidence on the water, but with the knowledge I learned here I am now a better and more confident paddler. I also have learned how to read the river, first aid, swift water rescue, offside roll, hand roll, and some free style skills. All of these skills have significantly improved my paddling and i feel ready to take on more challenging rivers. Overall, I feel like I have gained more maturity at Keeners. For example, every morning you get to make your own breakfast and clean your cabin. These are very helpful skills for the future. Also, I have created many new close friendships because of Keeners. This is great because I met 23 teenagers who share my passion to white water kayak. This is neat because there aren’t a lot of kids who kayak. Also, after Keeners I can continue these friendships and they can show me their home rivers. I have created so many great skills and memories at Keeners I am sad to leave. 

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