Friday 24 August 2018

Keeping the dishes clean -Kaelin Friedenson

Keeping the dishes clean 

Keenervill is a great place to be but what makes it better is keeping the dishes clean here are key steps to making sure all the dishes are clean.
Step 1: do your own dishes. Doing your own dishes is key to have clean dishes because in theory that means that none of the dishes will be left out.
Step 2: even though everyone is supposed to do there own dishes they probably won’t so you need to crack down on the people who don’t do theres 
Step 3: dry your dishes its never good to make some food in wet dishes so make sure you dry them. 
Step 4: don’t let other people in your cabins because they probably won’t do there own dishes.

If you follow these steps your keener cabin will have the cleanest dishes in the world.

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