Wednesday 16 July 2014

why we do it

hello internet Gustavo here
After being at one of the world's best kayaking programs kayaking with the world's best coaches I finally realized why it is that we kayak.

Any person that kayaks has been asked more than once what it is that they love about kayaking. It is there that we wonder why we love so much a sport that puts your body in a little plastic boat that gives you cramps, a sport where we go down huge rapids with a big chance of getting hurt or even drowning. This sport is special: It is not until you have tried kayaking and met the people that do it that you understand the passion that some they have for it.

Most people think of kayaking as a sport, which is correct, but its is not the sport that we love but the lifestyle. It is a life style that lets you travel around the world to some of the most beautiful places with the greatest people ever. It teaches you how to relax, but also how to get your adrenaline so high you can't even explain it. It makes you feel strong and powerful after you've done a big hard rapid, but still keeps you humble knowing the strength of the river and mother nature. Most importantly, it teaches you how to get away, not just in body but in mind. many of you might be wandering what i mean by "get away" but all of you that have kayaked know that every time you get in your boat and into the river you forget everything else, all the stress from work, school, big cities, relationships, whatever is bothering you and just focus one the river. All of this together is what makes us come back to the rivers we love.
Kayaking on the Upper Petawawa

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