Thursday 31 July 2014

slaying the beast

hey internet, gustavo here
after a couple of weeks in the keener program the water got to the perfect level and we were able to run the rapid "dragon's tongue" in the middle channel of the ottawa river. if you didn't already know this is the biggest scariest rapid we get to run while here at keeners. while running this rapid i managed to go too far right and ended up hitting the front of my boat against a rock and denting  it really good, but thank god i was alright. after seeing everyone else who ran it do it successfuly i was not about to give up on running the hardest rapid on the river.

next time we ran the middle channel i was reluctant to try dragon's tongue again, trying to convince myself that i had already done it, but i knew that floating down and almost breaking my boat was not enough. i had to slay the beast that is dragon's tongue. after scouting the rapid and thinking it through, i decided to run the rapid. i started paddling down and almost went to far left and hit the boof of destiny, but managed to paddle right at the last moment and hit the line straight on.

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