Tuesday 15 July 2014

Max's Final Keener Blog

Running the Upper Petawawa,
 a New River For My Last Keener Road Trip
As I lick the gravy off my fingers from my last poutine and finish off my Boston Kreme doughnut from Tim Hortons I think about my experiences in Canada and the keener program.

During my time at keeners I've had: two " keener mums", three keener "dads" and over 12 different coaches. This being my last year is definitely sad for me as keeners as been such a large part of my life that I will never forget. I started off as a terrified 12 year old who loved kayaking but was terrified of the large rapids of the Ottawa river. I looked up to senior keeners such as Stephen Forster and Jamie Rosenberger. As a senior keener this year I have tried to be role models such as these people and live up to their legacy.

Keeners for me is not only about learning cool new moves but gaining knowledge and wisdom from the many different people there who have had extraordinary experiences. From accidentally running a 90ft waterfall blind to dealing with airports and navigating streets of Africa, each coach and caretaker I have had has passed on some sort of experience they have had which has been significant to me. As they say "knowledge is power" and I feel that the knowledge I have gained has benefited me already and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.

Keeners has not only shaped me as a kayaker but also as a person. The people I have met in all four sessions I've been to have all been amazing and special in one way or another. A lot of these people I want to spend a great deal with in the future. They have made me realize how much there is out there to do and to see. For example, in my cabin I stayed with Tom from the USA, Mauricio from Mexico and Gustavo from Venezuela. After meeting these guys I want to travel to all of these places and continue to stay in touch with them.  I've been inspired by many keeners who have taught me important life lessons and have motivated me to pursue kayaking in my life.

During most of my keeners sessions I've always had lots of amazing role models and I want to firstly thank all the keeners who have made this era of my life so special (you all know who you are!). I want to thank Jacqui and Anna for being the best keener mums ever. Thanks "Party" Sam, Tino and Devyn for being great role models and passing on amazing stories and skills. Thank you to all the coaches who have improved me as a kayaker and taught me valuable life lessons. And thank you Mum and Dad for giving me this amazing opportunity.

As I sit alone at gate 5 in Ottawa airport I think back to all my favorite memories spent on the Ottawa river over the years and am overwhelmed by all my positive experiences I have had. From first arriving at Wilderness Tours and being greeted by Joel before playing an intense game of  ultimate frisbee to being terrified on the high water Gatineau, to meeting new and amazing people, to paddling in the dark, and finally  leaving Keenerville for the last time.  I can happily say that my Keener experiences have been and will continue to be some of the best in my life. Thank you every one who has made this possible.

This is Max Rayner, signing off for the last time.

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