Monday 14 July 2014

"The Value of Persistence" By Katie Jackson

"The Value of Persistence"
    The key to success is never accepting failure as the end product. I have now failed twice at trying to boof the pour over on the Lorne. I learned that if you go over a ledge sideways, it probably won't go well. The first time I surfed sideways for a while, embracing my inner damsel-in-distress, begging everyone for help. Max tried to hand me his paddle, but my poor grip ruined the plan. I got sucked back in and found a rock with the front of my boat. At that point, I said bad words and pulled my skirt. I swam to the bottom and thankfully popped up a few feet away. 
     My next experience with the pour over was essentially the same, only shorter. As soon as I landed sideways the second time, I knew my options were slim and the easiest way out would be to swim again. Thus, I swam to the bottom of the river a second time. Although the outcomes were identical, the experiences were drastically different. The first time I panicked with the fear of what was to come. The second time I was calmer and knew what the next steps would be. Even if the end result doesn't change immediately, persistence is important to gain experience and knowledge for each future attempt. That is why I plan on battling the pour over for the third time tomorrow. Fingers crossed that the third time's the charm! 

Thanks for reading! Katie. 

Watching Jack Boof at the Upper Petawawa

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