Wednesday 2 July 2014

Ashley's Back!

Hey everyone! I'm Ashley, I'm 16, and I'm from Ottawa. This is my second time at keeners, and I'm so happy to be back! I arrived a week late, but that just makes every day I'm here count that much more. Today was quite interesting when it came to the weather. The morning started off bright and sunny, followed by about an hour of thunderstorming, and then it was sunny again. I found it really cool to be on the water in the rain, because the water looked surreal and everything became more intimidating.

Before getting on the water this morning, we did some stretching and a game called Salad Bowl. Everyone wrote multiple celebrity names onto a slip and the names got mixed together in a bowl. At first, one person from each team would describe or act out the celebrity. Eventually, the amount of words the person could is was limited to no words at all. There were mixed results. Often, the person describing the celebrity to their team to guess wouldn't know who the celebrity was. None the less, it was fun. After breakfast, Stephen Wright explained to us the goals of the day. He showed us videos of airscrews and loops. Some keeners were able to do them, the rest tried!
Surfing at McCoys

We spent the morning at McCoys either surfing right side Horseshoe or Corner Wave. After lunch, we surfed a while at the Lorne and went back to McCoys. Today was really great! But then again, everyday is here! I'm excited to accomplish my goals of learning how to blunt, loop, and cycle on waves. Until next week!

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