Wednesday 30 July 2014

PetaWawa WeeWaa

and welcome to David's last blog post!

So far the last week at Keeners has been great. Monday and Tuesday revolved around practicing freestyle. In the morning we practiced in flat-water and surfed Push Button, and in the afternoon we paddled back up to surf at McCoy's. I've been getting more spins and a couple roundhouses. Yesterday I decided to give right-side Horseshoe a try, where I successfully spun and somehow managed not to flip (it's one of the more powerful holes).

Today was our road trip to the Upper Petawawa! It was an awesome experience and I took a lot out of it for sure. For example there were a a lot of boofs including 5 foot and 8 foot drops. A few of us even jumped off a ~35 foot bridge. Needless to say today a lot of us experienced our biggest drops, both in and out of our kayaks.

Scouting on the Petawawa on one of the biggest drops. 

Anyways... there's only two days left of Keeners and I can't imagine going back home. My parents arrived at WT today (they are also on a vacation). When I saw them it hit me that Keeners is really ending.

Peace. Keep your eyes out for my blog posts next year.
-David Koyrakh.

Big water beat downs, high water Colosseum, surfing rad waves, world's best kayak instructors, awesome people...
I don't want to leave

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