Monday 21 July 2014

How to roundhouse by Max

The roundhouse is simpler to learn once you've done multiple successful spins. This trick is a stepping stone to the blunt. It is worth 15 points in a competition ride and may be done on both LEFT and RIGHT sides.

Step 1:
    Cycle to the top of the wave. You may do this by carving to the side and back in, or edging hard into a side surf and being dragged to the top.

Step 2:
    Surf your way down the wave. You will have built up momentum. For a LEFT roundhouse angle on your boat on the RIGHT edge. For a RIGHT roundhouse angle your boat on the LEFT edge. Depending on the size of the wave you will need to be ready to quickly jump to the next step.

Step 3:
    Switch your edge aggressively. At the same time back sweep to spin the boat. Throw your body weight forward so that the stern does not plunge. Remember to keep your eyes upstream

Step 4:
    Plant a reverse stroke to remain on the wave and not get flushed.

You did the roundhouse, and are now in a back surf. You may go on to other tricks. Keep practicing, If you do this trick faster and harder, you may throw a blunt. Watching a video of someone doing this trick on YouTube will help you understand it better.

Now for my update to family at home:

I am doing fine. I've learnt a lot while here and have made many friends. I have some nice goPro video to share when I get back but have not filmed as often because my hard drive is having issues unlocking on the computer here :( I hope I can figure something out for that later. Today we will be doing swift water rescue but am not sure, because I did it last year. I am also learning how to double pump and am easily able to get on the stern. The bow is really hard. Keeners is probably the best camp ever.

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