Sunday 6 July 2014

Keener weekends

Compared to weekdays, weekends at keeners are much more laid back. Most people get up at around 9:30 or 10:00, and then proceed to eat breakfast for a few hours. You then have the option of hanging around and doing nothing, (probably) watching a movie, exercising, swimming, or going kayaking. Seeing as how this is a kayaking camp, most people choose to go kayaking. The weekends are also a great time to rest, since most people are sore after a week of paddling. If you do choose to go kayaking, you will probably end up somewhere at McCoy's, surfing one of the many waves/holes. Being able to come back from kayaking whenever you want is great if you find that you are getting sore and want to rest for a little bit. After resting (and watching another movie) you obviously go back on the river to kayak even more and surf as much as possible. Dinner at keenerville is great because you can lie down on a couch and watch yet another movie while you eat. Weekends also involve staying up late, and watching horror movies until you are told to go to sleep. Once the weekend is over and it is time to start the week, you feel refreshed and ready to conquer the upcoming week.

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