Friday 25 July 2014

Swiming High-Water Coliesium by Jack Carroll

          Hey readers this is Jack Carroll with another amazing blog. Have you ever looked at a huge rapid and been told you are going to swim down it, well I have. Today on Big Water Beatdown Bacon Thursday the water level was around 6 and a half, so Coliseum was gigantic. Big Kahuna was massive. When we got out to scout our line down the rapid we were soon told that we would be swimming it first.

           We started of our swim by walking far up stream on the river left shore. After we got to the top, we jumped into the water and began to swim out into the middle of the current. We all lined up to follow Jahn down the rapid who was in a kayak.As we approached the rapid we knew our line. We were to start off just river left of the White Face Monster which was just starting to form. After we passed it, we were to move river right. As we approached the rapid, we were told a spew of directions, including HARD LEFT!, HARD RIGHT! Once we drew closer we decided to ignore Jahn and choose our own lines. As we approached the lip of the rapid we all began to swim. As I broke through the first wave, I looked forward and saw a massive wall of whitewater before me. I swam into it and was engulfed by the water. I swam to the surface and got a quick breath before the next wave hit me. I swam right and over a ledge of rocks. Luckily I flattened myself onto the surface and my life jacket took most of the beating. After this, the group swam out on shore and walked up to the top of the rapid and swam across to our boats. Finishing off the day by paddling this rapid, which seemed pretty plain compared to what we had just experienced. After enduring one of the worst possible outcomes we weren't as afraid of the rapid anymore. This was a great experience for all and a day to remember.

Swimmers View of High Water Colliseum

Celebrating Post Swim

Thanks for reading,
                              Jack Carroll

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