Friday 11 July 2014

The End of the Beginning

Well here we are. Like the many Keeners before me I sit here at the computer with only hours left in my Keener adventure. Its funny, up until now I have had no doubt what to write about, and certainly no shortage of material. Now I stare at the compute screen and rack my mind for something to say that has not been said before in a final blog, something unique to set my writing apart. Then it struck me. That is just it! Everything good that can be said has been. It has been! Exclaimed! It has been put in ALL CAPS. It has been written over and over again. Each by an individual who is relating to their own experience, that while unique, shares a common quality. A past English teacher of mine once said, "Poets never waste a word, and repetition for a poet is the most powerful form of expression." The fact that countless Keeners has expressed the same thought, that "Keeners is a life changing and invaluable program and step in ones journey to not only being an excellent paddler but an excellent member of society" is exactly what shows the incredible impact that the Keener Program has on the lucky young men and women who are a part of it.

So instead of attempting to write an eloquent speech struggling to discover a new jumble of words to describe my great love and belief in this program, I would like to draw your attention to all of the people who have said it before me. Why should I, a single person try to convince you when I have a multitude of voices singing praises on this very blog. If you think that seeing is believing, then I challenge you to watch a Keener at a wave or in a coffee shop. Weather they are surfing the largest hole with a grin on their face, of picking up a piece of trash, I guarantee to you that their behavior and demeanor will stand out like a beacon which is warm, bright, and easy to fallow. So I will leave you now, although my Keener experience is over, the adventure continues. I wish all of my fellow Keeners the best of luck as they fan out across the globe beaming with knowledge and love of kayaking that has grown in them here at Keeners.
Running a Boof at the Upper Petawawa 

To all who think that Keeners might be a fun and nourishing experience, I encourage you to simply read these blogs and the enormous amount of praise that surround this program. And last but not least, I cannot think of a better way to end a final blog than by thanking all of the wonderful coaches and supporters of the Keener program. Each and every coach expresses interest in each individual, making a noticeable effort in learning the strengths and weaknesses of each paddler. For this I am forever grateful. Finally my biggest and warmest thank you to Mommy (Anna) Keener. Though endless banter and craziness she has never once abandoned us. Thank you so much Anna I will miss you. This is Jim Barton and Keeners is the best thing ever!

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