Wednesday 16 July 2014

Paddling With the Best by Zach Ruben

The first three days of the 2nd session of Keeners have been amazing for me. Paddling any river can be exiting, especially when you're with the right people. Throughout the school year, I paddle the raging rivers of the northeast U.S. with the same couple friends. But, coming up to the Ottawa and being part of the Keener program has made a huge impact on my confidence as a boater, and expanded my vision for my boating career. Back home, I spend some of my free time surfing the internet watching cool kayaking videos that are created by the best boaters in the world. The biggest names in kayaking always seemed like any other celebrities do to all other teens. But at Keeners, many of our coaches are the same boaters that I watch online from my comfy couch back in Boston. Being able to paddle with legends like Stephen Wright, Clay Wright, Kalob Grady, and many other amazing boaters has been an amazing experience for me.

Keener Coach Clay Wright Gives Keeners Advice

Earlier today, while I was attempting to surf corner wave, I noticed one boater who kept throwing air screws and many other huge tricks like it was his job. Turns out, it was his Job; it was Dane Jackson. Paddling with the best boaters in the world really gives you an idea of how good you actually are, and how good you can become with some practice. Many of the world's best kayakers are former Keeners, and started where I sit now. I have never shared the river with any professional boaters before paddling on the Ottawa. Paddling at Keeners with the best instructors in the world, and the best friends to paddle with has boosted my confidence as a boater, and I have proved to myself that it just takes practice to become one of the many kayaking legends that have lived in Keenerville before me.          

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