Monday 21 July 2014

We are a team: by Isabel Markoff

   I feel my self going down and down into an endless pit, slamming into the rock wall again and again only black water surrounding me... Thats a good way to start a blog right? Drawing a picture for the readers? When Anna told me I had to wright a blog I was like "Uhhh why, we aren't at school are we..?" Now I see why. Sitting here at this old acer computer, thinking about what Im going to write reflecting back on the week shows me how fast time can fly and soon Ill actually be sitting at school trying to remember every part of these three weeks and I know there will be times where I won't remember what I said as I came out of that endless black pit after missing my boof on the Lorne. I am now trying to bring myself back to that moment that I just exaggerated so heavily... What did I say??? Oooo I remember.. I took one huge breath and heard Stevo yelling there she is!!!! Bigwater Beatdown Bacon Thursday... and I didn't even mean to get beatdown. 
     I watch as our team work together to pull me back to shore and grab my boat and paddle. Zach offers me a ride to shore and I grab the back of his boat. Stevo asks me if Im ok. "Im fine" I reply. Connor returns my pink princess water wings (that i received to wear for the day for being late to get ready) and the boat that got ripped off when I decided to miss my boof and take the journey to visit the titanic. My boat is returned in a matter of seconds to were I am and I get back in it to continue my journey down river. We have been together for one week and The keeners showed me what it looks like to work as a team.

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