Monday 21 July 2014


Keeners is a world famous kayaking school that attracts great kayakers from around the globe. keeners is a wildy popular and a growing camp, something that keeners is famous for is big water beat-down Thursday!

BWBT is a super fun day where we do challenging runs at big rapids where you are most likley to swim. the purpose of BWBT is to build confidence for kayakers who are nervious in big water. the ottawa is a incredibly safe river, its super deep and there is a almost 0% of injury because of this BWBT is really safe and a great learning experience.

At the end of BWBT we all come back and watch the beat-down that were filmed and then as a whole we decide on who got the biggest beat down. this week i personally won with the best beat-down. it was a accidental beat-down where i missed a boof over dogsleg and kept getting recirculated into a wicked hole! I was a bit scared at first but then i gathered my wits and assessed the situation but trying to flip my kayak and surf out of the hole. this worked partially because on my way out after being beat-down for almost a minute my skirt imploded and I was flushed out of my boat and rocketed down stream. i learned a lot from this experience. I learned the true power of the Ottawa and what to do when i am stuck in a hole.

thank you for reading my blog i will be posting again soon!

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