Tuesday 1 July 2014

My Day in the Magical River of Awesomeness and Food....

In the magical river of awesomeness and food a paddle is a bread stick, my kayak is an egg shell, the water is maple sirup and bacon, rocks are chocolate chips and the sun is huge golden oreo.
Sliding down in my egg on the maple syrup of awesomeness
So my day in the magical river of awesomeness and food started with a nice and shinny golden oreo and tons of maple sirup and bacon too run! We had to make a choice if we wanted to run the main channel of magical burger patties or the middle channel of awesomeness with chicken. I wanted to run the maple sirup with a large bacon tongue of awesome rapid ( dragons tongue). So I finally got to this rapid, I got on my egg grabbed my bread stick and I was ready to run this maple sirup and bacon! I made two runs my first run i went way to right down the bacon hit some chocolate chips but I did not flip over.
On my second run i hit the line perfectly down the bacon tongue into the the maple sirup eddy. And thats my day in the magical river of awesomeness and food....

By Gabriel Gallo

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