Wednesday 16 July 2014

Looping In Push Button

One of my favorite tricks to watch someone do is a loop. They are very cool tricks since they are front flips on a kayak, and they are even better when they have air. Push Button is a small hole/wave below the WT lunch site. Its a cool feature because you can do wave and hole tricks in it. Its possible to airscrew and to loop. Push Button is kind off a hard place to loop because of two reasons. First, it is not very steep, so you have to plug your bow very hard to get a good pop, or any air out of the water. Second, at the level we had yesterday it was a little bit flushy making it hard to stick loops. I tried a couple of loops but I was not getting much air and I was not sticking them. Our coach Stephen Wright told me to plug super hard and start sideways. I remembered what Stephen told me and I got a big air loop and stuck it. I was very surprised and tried to go for a second loop in a row but I could not stick the second loop.
Stephen Wright Does a Huge Loop in Idaho

I used to not like push button that much because I thought it was small and bad, but once you learn how to cycle onto the top of the hole its a very fun spot to do all kinds of tricks. I am excited to go looping in push button today and hopefully become consistent sticking my loops.

And another Huge Air Loop at Push Button
Mauricio Martinez Laresgoiti    

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