Tuesday 22 July 2014

Improvement Begins with "I" - Julie Zebrowska

Hey readers!
It's Julie again, posting about all the exciting things week 2 at Keeners has to offer. Firstly, I'd like to start off by saying that I've accomplished a lot this week. I learned how to hand roll, and I ran Dragon's Tongue for the first time, which is a pretty intimidating rapid with a few serious consequences if not run correctly. Many know this isn't an incredible feat, but it's actually of great importance to me. Last year at keeners, I was terrified of paddling. I would cry before almost every rapid. But running Dragon's Tongue today was a way to ultimately conquer my fears and validate how far I've come and how much I've improved. I believe it to be a significant milestone, and hope that there are many more of these great feelings of accomplishment to come.
Running Dragons Tounge

However, another moment I found memorable had nothing to do with kayaking. Yesterday, I got attacked by a squirrel. How I managed that, you ask? To summarize, never try to separate a squirrel form the trail mix bucket. That's all I have for today, but the week has just begun and there's plenty more to learn and experience. I'll keep you guys up to date with another post next week!

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