Tuesday 1 July 2014

Jack Surfs Fluffy (Party) Bunny

Today I decided to write about fluffy bunny partly because of the totally random name and partly because I quite enjoyed surfing it at three and a half. I really enjoyed it so much because I could party surf with four other keeners. This kinda brought up one or two problems: One, the fact the we had no coordination and two, we are really bad at party surfing. But yet I still enjoyed the banter with the other keeners watching everybody struggle to roll up with laughter. I liked surfing bunny on my own too because it was like surfing a..... well fluffy bunny I guess , the wave was just so forgiving you could spin, cartwheel and even loop but that was other people and sadly not me......

My first week in keeners has been amazing , this river just keeps getting better.
Party Surfing Fluffy Bunny
Cheers, Jack
Fluffy Bunny. 

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