Tuesday 22 July 2014

Another post by Jahn high water experiences pt 1

On the weekend all keeners who are not taking a class (first aid) get the chance to go paddling. most of us took this opportunity to go paddling. The problem was that the water was getting higher and higher by the moment.when we got on the water it was around four feet. by the time we got down to the lunch sight it was around four and three quarters, by the time we got off the river it was around 5 and three quarters. This would sound amazing to most and I must admit that it was a bit interesting. In my opinion one of the most difficult rapids on this section of the river is called Coliseum. it has a bunch of holes and tricky moves to avoid them. so pretty much everyone in our group decided to scout it. when we got onto the rock to scout the rapid we could tell that it was way different. massive holes that was easily flipping twenty foot rafts. And the problem was most of the water was flowing to exactly where we did not want to be. I of course was voted to go first so that way if i died they would know which line not to take. I floated up to the top found my markers and went just barely missing a massive hole where I then eddied out right beside the hole and "set safety" the reason it is in quotes is because if someone swam or got stuck in the hole there was nothing I could do except watch and laugh. Part two to come. Except I am paddling now peace!

1 comment:

  1. Must you always be the first to try something dangerous? I'd really like it if you came home in one piece. Just sayin'...
