Monday, 12 August 2019

First week of keeners by Morgan Hayes

So I am a new keener from London England and I had no idea what to expect.
I heard about keeners from Patrick Kyle.
He came back from keeners and was so stoked so my brother and I signed up and now we have completed are first week we can see what the hype was about. Monday and Tuesday for me where just trying to learn the river and having fun then came race day Wednesday we had the morning brief and saw the course it was McCoy’s. this the first time going down McCoy’s and I am being asked to race down it with six other keeners which was pretty scary so the course was race down past saddlers and Phil’s and into an eddy which your teammates where waiting in after you high five your teammate they ferry across behind Phil’s into an eddy and back meanwhile racer 1 goes down into football eddy and has to swim and let racer 2 and 3 rescue your boat and paddle and then we had to run up to clay on his “throne” than we did a mass start swim down the Lorne to the lunch site after that we raced down Norman’s and collie the it turned to Thursday which we all know as beatdown day which is when we get trashed in Phil’s hole and saddlers then we swam the pour over by garb which was sick because you would get pushed down so far which was awesome that night we had to get are sleep because Friday is comp day on comp day we could choose from garb push button and moustache wave then on Saturday some people had to do a first aid course which we learnt how to do CPR  and what shock is. But overall it was the best week ever!

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