Friday 28 July 2023

Why It's Important to Enjoy the River at Keeners: By Luis

Often times at keeners you find yourself in a surf. In that surf you do your best to land tricks. Sometimes it’s just not your day and nothing will land. This might leave you frustrated and will result in a snit. In the competitions at keeners snits take points form your overall freestyle score. The coaches here do this to foster a positive environment that gives paddlers a lesson to enjoy the river. I personally realized this a few days ago when I was surfing horseshoe. For me horseshoe isn’t an easy wave to excel in racking up lots of points. In this particular surf I couldn’t land anything and was beginning to become angry. Then I had an epiphany. I understood that this wave was better than anything I had at home. After that I was able to enjoy the wave for what it is and the tricks came naturally.

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