Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Week 2 Blog: By Sawyer Battles

 My blog is about why I am against writing blogs. My first reason is that blogs are a thing of the past. When is the last time you read a blog? Maybe 2015? My second reason why I don’t like blogs is because I am not a big fan of writing. I have never been a fan of writing mostly because of how it was taught in school. In school, they teach you that there is a correct and wrong way to write your piece. The whole point of writing is to be creative and I feel that takes away from it. Another reason I am against blogs, especially at keeners, is because we all came here to kayak, not write. That is why we have the school. While at keeners, the whole point is to spend time meeting new people and having fun, instead of staying in your cabin writing away to post on a website that hasn’t been looked at in years.

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