Monday 1 July 2024

What Is Trust: By Elliot Straszynski

 There are many different types of trust and it is circumstantial. Dangerous settings are usually the times trust within a team is the most important.

On the river safety is your number one priority, shared with having fun. This means you need to have people who you can trust to have fun and focus on their paddling, while also making sure everyone around them is safe.

There have been many times where I relied on people to help rescue my boat and paddle.

Setting up for safety is also important you need to trust that people know what to do when a situation arises.

I ask someone to go before me and set up safety for when I’m riding a wave, because then if I cannot get my roll (which happens way too much) I don’t need to bail and waste more time.

The other thing that is extremely important is being able to trust that people have your best interests in mind. When someone tells you the tongue between minibus and big bus is fine that there isn’t an island with and undercut around the corner after.

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