Monday 8 July 2024

Steps For Surfing Satlers: By Orin Gartner

There are a few things to keep in mind if you are thinking about surfing Satalers. 

First, keep in mind that Satlers is very violent and fast. Second, it is very steep so you can easily throw lots of ends like loops and cartwheels. So keeping this is mind you are now in the river right eddy above Macoys. You will have an extreme amount of adrenaline and will have to take some deep breaths to calm down. When it is your turn peel out and paddle to right above the hump into Satalers, prepare yourself for a thrashing. Depending where you point you will do different things, surfers left is calmer and you can get out, surfers right is steep and that is where you will do ends. After you get out you can also go into left side if your still in your boat and get thrashed even more!

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