Tuesday 30 July 2024

Failure Isn't Something To Be Angry About: By Joseph Lavigne

On the Monday speech night Stephen Wright, one of our coaches, gave an amazing speech. In this speech he used infants and toddlers perseverance to give us an example. When learning to do a new thing like walking or crawling or rolling over, babies try over and over and over again to do these things even if it hurts when they fail. The parents encourage them when they fail. This is how we should always treat failures even large ones. I face planted off Gorilla, a quite intense rapid on the Green Narrows. This failure stopped me from running it because it was so scary and I was afraid of this happening again. But the good thing is I have a video of what happened and I can easily learn from those mistakes. Even though it could’ve been much worse, it wasn’t and i’m able to paddle another day. So when I get back im gonna use the experience from my failure and add it to my arsenal of ways to improvise in hairy situations. Don’t beat yourself up about messing up lines, even on stuff you do all the time. All this is doing is making you worse and wasting time that you could be using learning from your mistakes and overcoming them.

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