Monday 1 July 2024

Big water Thursday pt.2: By James Van Geilswyk

 I was in session 2 last year and I made a blog about beatdown Thursday. This year instead of beatdowns it was just a high water run of the Ottawa. The level usually is higher in this session so we got around 14 on the gauge. This meant that the waves on some of the rapids were 10+ feet tall and super fun. First part of the day was a normal Phil’s surf, having fun in left side and surfing if possible (Note: we only really did one run). Next was a paddle down on the flat towards the Lorne/Lunch stop. This was a humungous rapid with a hole we named “Demetor” that looked so very fun. Mini bus and big bus were in and we got to run the lines and surf. After lunch and some mini rapids we arrived at Coliseum. This rapid has a hole named white face monster with a tongue to the left and a wave train followed by a small hole. The bottom of this also had a huge pour over where dogs leg usually is. All in all this was one of my favourite days kayaking ever and I hope the rest of this session (and the next 2) have as good of a Thursday as this past one has been.  

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