Wednesday 24 July 2024

Cleaning In White House: By Pascal Fels

There are many different tasks to do to clean White House, and ways to do them.

Some are more effective than others, which will be explained in this blog. 

To start: One person is being proactive and trying to get things done, the other cabin mates don’t want to, and it takes along time for the one to do all the cleaning. This results in the cabin being late to the thunderdome and having to do push up’s. 

Next up: 2-5 of the cabin mates decide to start helping out. This gets things done faster, even though it’s not super quick. The cabin mates doing the cleaning get very frustrated with the ones who aren’t.

The best: Everyone in the cabin is doing something to help even if it’s just tidying their room. Everything gets done quickly and they get praised for their good work.

In conclusion, everyone should participate in cleaning some way, even if it’s just small things at a time.

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