Wednesday 10 July 2024

How To Make Chicken Nuggets At Keeners: By Conall Plunkett

 Step one. Borrow exactly 3.19327582 kilograms of flour, no more no less, from Yakistan.

Step two. Acquire exactly two chicken breasts with a combined volume of .9231 liters, no more no less, from Wilderness Tours. Then cut the chicken into exactly 13 nuggets with a length of exactly 3.63 centimeters and a width of 2 centimeters. 

Step three. Mix the flour with exactly 2 liters of milk, no more no less. Then coat the nuggets with and even, 1mm thick coat of batter.

Step four. Aquire a baking tray that is nineteen by thirteen centimeters, no more no less.

Step five. Once optimal volume, metrics, and nuggets count have been reached, continue with the baking process. Find an oven with an average height of .9144 meters with an average inside dimension of .6096 to 1.0668 cubic meters of cooking space in order to achieve optimal cooking requirements. Once you have located said oven, turn the oven on and and set the temperature to 475, no more no less. Once you have achieved said temperature, set the pan inside the oven at an angle of 65 degrees, no more no less, and slowly, at a speed of 3 meters per second, insert the pan into the oven and gently close the door. Around 20 minutes into the baking process, turn on the light inside the oven, and check nuggets for any obstructions or anomalies. Once finished checking the nuggets, you must at once take the nuggets out and stick a temperature gauge into 13/15ths of the nuggets in order to achieve optimal baking standards. Once done, you may set the tray back into the oven and continue to monitor the baking process. Continue this process until you have reached 60 minutes into the baking process. Once you have reached 60 minutes into the baking process, take the tray out of the oven and let sit for no more than 5 minutes. Precisely once five minutes have passed since you took the tray out of the oven, you may begin to check the temperature of each nuggets as you pick them up from the tray. A nugget must be no more than 37.7778C for consumption to be possible. 

If a nuggets is more than 37.7778C, place it just outside in a bag for pickup by Steve or the local CBRNE team. Once you have collected the nuggets suited for consumption, you may begin to eat. Enjoy your breakfast.

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