Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Why Sav Is Better Than Xavier- By Jaxon White

Have you ever tried fist bumping someone but they fake you out and try to embarrass you? 

If so, you and I are much alike. Because this is exactly what Xavier did to me TWICE. Which made me very infuriated and so I had to do the same thing right back to him. This is a very good reason that Sav is better than him because she would NEVER do this to a poor keener. And instead, would give them the best fist bump EVER. Another reason that Sav is better than Xavier is because she’s better than him at knockout. And here at keeners, we take our knockout very seriously and apparently Xavier does not. Which is very unfortunate for him, because it’s a very fun game. Some people may say that Xavier is a very cool guy because he sings along to all the songs that are played at WT, but, though he may sing along, that does not mean that his voice is pretty as it gives a very excruciating pain when listened to. 

In conclusion Savannah is better than Xavier because he fakes you out when he fist bumps you, which Sav would never do. In addition, she is so much better at knockout, which makes her far more superior in a keener’s eyes because we take knockout seriously. And this is why Savannah is much better than Xavier in most ways imaginable. 

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