Monday 1 July 2024

How to Avoid Becoming a Popsicle on the River: By Auryan Silva

 Here's how to survive the cold on the river at Keeners. There are going to be cold rainy days, so here is a survival guide to avoid freezing.

  • Bring a dry top and wear long sleeve layers underneath. If you do not possess a dry top, wear several neoprene tops.

  • Never stop moving. Sitting still in one position will make you colder than paddling around.

  • If your hands start to freeze, move your shoulders up and down with your arms straight and fingers pointing to the sides.

  • If you get out of the kayak, find stable ground and jump in place to heat your body with exercise.

  • If none of the above works, getting thrashed at Mini bus will momentarily make you forget your discomfort and focus on not drowning. Later, the adrenaline from surviving will kick in.

In conclusion, when packing for Keeners, don't listen to those cold immune people when they say that the water will be warm and the weather sunny and hot. Don't listen! Bring your polar hoodies, kids, and dry top with fuzzy under layers because you will find yourself on the water chattering your teeth. Being at Keeners will make it more bearable because you're so excited by the events that sometimes you will forget that your hands feel numb.

P.S the month of your session may vary the temperature and even if you are in the cold you are going to have a great time play boating or if you're like me trying to, I guarantee you'll maybe freeze to death but you'll die happy.

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